Sunday, June 14, 2020

Skeletons and Demons

Hearing about someone taking their own life is always painful. Especially when their in the prime of their lives, the pain is even more immense to people around them.
What pushes someone to this edge, one can only imagine. There have been instances when someone close to me and on certain occasions, even I felt that moving on from this life is a better option. But the thought that did stop me or others that I knew, was a simple one. How will it affect my loved ones? How will they ever be able to recover from my inability to fight the problems that haunted me? In one of my weakest moment, I was told by someone really close to me that if you do have the courage to take away your own life, you are already in a position to fight the odds that are grinding you in the ground. This really hit me and made me wake up take stock of the problems.
Sure the issues didn’t magically disappear, but I was able to grind it out. Bit by bit, issues that haunted my mind became so trivial that I could look back and laugh on them
No, I don’t believe I am mentally strong person, cause as everyone, I do go through my low phases. However, my past experiences push me to continue to grind it out 
No, I don’t have a clean chit given to me by life. Everyone has some skeletons in their closet or some demons they have to deal with. I deal with mine on a regular basis. When one goes away, another comes to fill in the void. But there are also those times where I am free as a bird. The key for me has been to ensure these moments are frequent and for a longer duration. 
That’s what makes life so wholesome for me.
Nothing goes away unless you don’t work towards it. Even your good times and good fortune. You do have to put some effort to ensure you reach a place from where you don’t have any escape. Or so it seems. If you can put in the effort to push yourself to your lowest, you can push yourself to your highest. Yes, it will be difficult, but then we don’t value anything that comes to us easy.
There is always some help a call away. It can be your family, your friends or your therapist. But nothing can replace your grit to fight it out. This was something that I learnt from some friends who at the time I felt weren’t the best around. But as time passed by, I realised if they had not abandoned me in those times, I wouldn’t have become self-reliant. 
The key is you. There are people who have changed the world with their thoughts which then became actionable for them. All you are expected to do is take care of yourself and your well being. In the scheme of things it’s not such a big ask. 
Maybe this is an oversimplification of the problem, but then that all there is to. The skeletons and the demons will always be there. How you choose to deal with them is upto you.
Stay safe, stay alive. Everything will pass.

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